Is this game worth buying?

RPGs is my favorite genre of gaming. After spending the weekend playing Cyberpunk on the PS5, I’m left feeling empty. I’m looking to fill that void with a good RPG and Greedfall seems like the right fit.

Right now, RDR2 is the gold standard of RPGs in my book, followed closely by The Witcher 3. How does Greedfall compare to those in terms of story, combat, variety of side content, characters, immersion (i.e. is this a game I could potentially get lost in and play for hours on end).

TLDR: Cyberpunk is a let down. Is Greedfall worth playing in its place?

Edit: graphics are also important to me.

Edit 2: thank you to everyone (except the troll) who took the time to comment and provide some insight. Appreciate y’all.

last edited by Kevin237

Why don't you choose World of Warcraft? The best mmo ever

No it's not. Just another broken game.