The sway

I must say, this game is great... and I know I am a broken record but the sway really really does bother me. It is very frustrating that the game messes with my aim and I can't hit targets far away. I have no problem with high vertical recoil but the random sway is frustrating.

This would not be an issue if the maps were more like Source, close quarters, less running. Because sandstorm maps are more spread out, you can't creep through an open area - you must run to avoid being shot. That means you are out of stamina quite a bit.

Especially for firefight, the game mode is about rotations and making split second decisions. A lot of times you need to make big rotations to stop a cap or something. I don't mind sway - I think Source had this down perfect - in Sandstorm it's just too much.

But more importantly, a lot of the beginning round is spent running to objectives because the spawns are far away from the objectives. This means you are out of stamina A LOT. This is even more so for skirmish and push. You could walk to the objective but that would make the game very slow and you wouldn't be playing much just walking. In fact, even running around on skirmish and push it still feels a lot of the time like it takes forever to actually get into combat.

I talked about this earlier with some skirmish players. Maybe adding more vehicles would increase the intensity of the battles. Right now, vehicles aren't really a presence even though the maps are created largely to incorporate vehicles. Most of the time the vehicles are destroyed or someone took it and left it somewhere. It'd be nice to have more vehicles, maybe include 3 vehicles for skirmish 16v16. Two trucks are just transport, and 1 has a gunner on it.

The suppression sway also really gets me. It's one thing to have your vision go blurry and it's another for your aim to start moving around all over the place.

I think source had it down perfect. Because of the larger maps in Sandstorm, stamina/suppression sway is actually frustrating to play with. I don't want to walk across the map just so I can be sure I will be able to shoot people without sway. I have to run across open fields to get to protection.

In a weird way... it almost makes rushing MORE viable, because no one can hit you. A lot of times I just rush instead of shooting at people because I know I am too far away to hit them with the sway.

last edited by Link

@link said in The sway:

It'd be nice to have more vehicles

That would be cool. I don't exactly agree with you on the sway though.

@link said in The sway:

I think source had it down perfect

I actually didn't like ins2 all that much. I mean, I liked the game a lot but I wished a lot of things worked differently. I like how Sandstorm works much more.

last edited by thehappybub

@thehappybub I think a lot of people think TTK is bad but in reality it's just them missing because of the sway. They think it's TTK but really it's just the sway.

It's just not fun at long range and a lot of times, a lot of us seasoned players just rush because you need to play the objective. Because of the increased map size, the sway actually has a much greater effect at long range. In CQC, as long as you aren't suppressed and tired, you can easily shoot someone. Most of the time it's just spraying down with an auto though and not picking your shots like you would in source.

It also depends on how you play - a lot of people may not even notice the sway because they may not be attentive to detail. Also, if they play slow, camp and don't play the objective they won't notice it either.

I don't mind high vertical recoil but random sway is really frustrating.

@link said in The sway:

They think it's TTK but really it's just the sway.

No, it's the damage of the weapons

Most of the time it's just spraying down with an auto though and not picking your shots like you would in source.

Further evidence for the above, it's the damage of the weapons.


My statement isn't wrong. You cannot deny that people are missing but thinking it's the TTK. That's why I love streaming, a lot of times I will think I hit a guy but then clip my stream and watch it at 0.25x speed and realize that I just missed.

The TTK isn't even that bad tbh, it's maybe double of source.

Also spraying has nothing to do with TTK. Even if it was 1 hit kill you'd still spray because the sway was messing with your aim. If you aren't tired and aren't suppressed, you don't need to spray with the current TTK or 1 hit kill TTK.

@link I gotta be honest man. I'm really not understanding your logic for why sway shouldn't exist. Why don't you go run around the block with a broom in your hand and then stop and immediate try to hold it with PERFECT accuracy at a target at the end of your street. (let alone the ranges we see on Crossing) Lemme know how that works out for ya.


I never said "sway shouldn't exist". You didn't even read what I wrote 😞

Also, to be quite fair, I am not the smallest dude muscle wise (built like a silverback gorilla). I can't say anything about real guns but I've played 6 hours of speedball/airball paintball and shot very accurately, far distances, after running all day in 90-100 degree weather with full gear.

This isn't an argument of what is real. This is an argument of what is fun.

last edited by Link

@slazenger said in The sway:

Most of the time it's just spraying down with an auto though and not picking your shots like you would in source.

Further evidence for the above, it's the damage of the weapons.

How is this actually evidence about the damage of the weapons? Now you're really just shouting random things @Slazenger

Even if there was no weapon sway you still could not pick your shots because bullets don't kill in 1 shot. This make full auto spraying so much more prevalent in Sandstorm, more than the weapon sway from a long 100 meter sprint would.

last edited by Slazenger

@slazenger said in The sway:

Even if there was no weapon sway you still could not pick your shots because bullets don't kill in 1 shot. This make full auto spraying so much more prevalent in Sandstorm, more than the weapon sway from a long 100 meter sprint would.

Because with more dmg you'd spray less, right? 😏 Because...reasons. Kill more people with 1 magazine and don't even bother saving ammo. But more dmg = less spraying. The logic. Mindblowing 😂

Yes, because you'd pick your shots and be effective on single fire.
Play Insurgency to see what I mean.

last edited by Slazenger

@slazenger said in The sway:

Even if there was no weapon sway you still could not pick your shots because bullets don't kill in 1 shot. This make full auto spraying so much more prevalent in Sandstorm, more than the weapon sway from a long 100 meter sprint would.

Of course you can pick your shot and I do. I don't know how you couldn't. It's just a matter of choice to use semiauto at medium to long ranges and aim the shots properly. I only use full auto when very close range. I haven't personally had problems with sway so far, but that must be because I don't sprint all the time, generally move slower than average Sandstorm player and I don't shoot while standing unless very close.

So I guess I'm managing my stamina and sway better then, because I don't have this problem of RNG accuracy.

I can't say you are wrong, but I believe I prefer it this way. I enjoy it when it is not always the best to shoot at enemies when you see them, especially those far away. I also think of the sway as a challenge, not an annoyance. It is very much possible though that I would enjoy having the increased sway due to sprinting be a bit less. Not sure how the balance between camping and rushing is atm, but if the camper has the advantage I have a hard time not seeing it as a positive to remove some of the punishment for moving around.


Randomness should not be in a competitive shooter. The sway is random and not fun at far distances. It actually helps people who rush because you can't hit far away shots and if you do it is luck not skill. There is competitive matchmaking, therefore the game is meant to be competitive.

Decrease sway to source levels. Increase vertical recoil.


what game modes do you play?

No one experienced shoots while standing anymore. In Sandstorm it has become necessary to crouch every time you shoot to mitigate sway.

No one experienced shoots while standing anymore. In Sandstorm it has become necessary to crouch every time you shoot to mitigate sway.

Aint that the truth. Sway is ballin' out of control. Especially in fire fights over medium distance. Its almost more efficient to just run away and repeek when the suppression is gone instead of just fighting because the movement speed is so high you can get out of dodge pretty easily.

The suppression sway coupled with the fact that focusing is now tied to stamina really annoys me. I sprint to the contact points on a map (gotta get map control yo - aint no urban shit here, place is open af so I cant really hide in corners and wait for contact), cant focus cos im out of stamina, my guns swaying like I've got advanced Parkinson's and the guy 30m in front of me can change direction on the drop of dime mid sprint... Shits annoying.

Reduce sway and thats half the problem gone 🙂


But there isn’t even much sway in this, it’s realistic, and you can hold your breath to pretty much eliminate it.


what game mode do you play?

Have you ever studied the sway of being out of breath AND being suppressed in game?

There is a ton of sway in this game compared to source. As I said it's not about realism, it's about what is fun. And to be honest, I think it is above realistic sway.

Push and Skirmish. I haven’t noticed much of a difference in sway from the previous game. I will admit that the not being able to hold your breath after sprinting is too much. Suppression effects I think are just dumb in general, but that’s another story.



I was talking about suppression sway as well ...

why is no one reading my post before replying 😢

The sway is about 2-3 times that of source, if you haven't done a comparison you should before replying. Also you must not play the objective then if you aren't noticing the sway that much in sandstorm 😛

You are forced to run A LOT.

last edited by Link