Whats Next de Focus 2019 is starting and now we have something new

I know nothing about Constantine but I'm already wanting to keep him safe. Please don't turn out to be evil.

Will they make the weapons visible when sheathed? So far your character looks like a harmless guy with nothing on him/her when they walk around. Until combat where they pull a 3-meter sword out from nothingness and start destroying things.

@evilbird said in Whats Next de Focus 2019 is starting and now we have something new:

Will they make the weapons visible when sheathed? So far your character looks like a harmless guy with nothing on him/her when they walk around. Until combat where they pull a 3-meter sword out from nothingness and start destroying things.

Maybe it can be toggled? It's probably just for aesthetics but it could be pretty amusing if your entire squad was decked out in heavy weaponry when trying to conduct peaceful negotiations.