PS4 Trial of water bug

Hello, I play this game on PS4 platform and i am on lvl24 now. Just reach to the main quest Trial of water, and i now stuck at "wait till you meet the representative willing to help you", and no other option pop up, no guide anymore. I watched the other forums and I know it is a common problem in other platforms, but my problem is the other main quest "Suffering of Constantin" didn't even show up on my case. i think the 2 main quest shout show up together right ? I hope i don't need to start over again. Please let me know is there any solution or update coming up, thank you.

Same insue here, looks like the Quest "sufering" start way before the trials.

I have a question you for Siora as Ally? I Just got +3 rep once...
The inquisition member too could nota get Ally with him.