Hi Admins and Server owners,

I just released version 0.6 of my Insurgency Sandstorm RCON Tool again coming with a lot of new features that I list down below in the release notes! I implemented all your feature requests, wishes and a couple of things I found convenient, like importing your v0.5 server database. Of course I would love, if you test it and let me know, in case you find bugs or have additional feature or change requests! So, if you like, give it a shot. It only takes a couple of minutes to try it out - please watch the known errors below.

Report any bug here or send me an e-mail/steam message: https://github.com/olli-e/ISRT-Insurgency-Sandstorm-RCON-Query-Tool/issues

Download Zip-File here: http://isrt.info/ISRT.zip
or directly with the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/sargolin/ISRT-Insurgency-Sandstorm-RCON-Query-Tool

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Release Notes:

  • Re-Designed to "tabbed" layout for easier usage
  • Customizable RCON buttons are available now
  • Database can be backed up, imported or combined (Yes, you can import your v0.5 database now!)
  • Imported the new maps: Frost, Stork_Castle_x, Temple and Toro from mod.io
  • Added Wiki reference
  • Added customizable RCON commands as Custom Command Manager - save, add, delete
  • Now working on Windows 7 and Mac OS as well

Known errors/bugs can be seen here: https://github.com/olli-e/ISRT-Insurgency-Sandstorm-RCON-Query-Tool/wiki/3.-Known-Bugs-and-Problems

If you like to support me or the future development of the tool, you may want to consider buying me a coffee, since I'm a total coffee geek: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/oedelmeier

Thanks for your help, contribution or just giving it a chance!