Let's first realise why a team balance happens in the first place.
99% it happens when one team is losing severely and many rage quit.

It's often the case as well, that this happens near the end of the round, when C is about to be capped on push.
Here lies the problem:

It is the worst feeling in this game when you've taken all the objectives only to be put on the other team and basically be punished for doing so well.

Funnily enough, this wasn't a huge issue in the previous game.

Why? Because the last game balanced teams after the round was over. You need team balancing because the team rage quit, you don't have to punish players from the other team for it.

Second of all, prioritise team switching the players on the bottom of the leaderboard.

The ones on the bottom of the leaderboard has either just joined in, or didn't contribute too much to the team. So it is less likely they will feel frustrated by being team switched than someone who literally took all the objectives only to be switched at the last moment when they died.

Finally, there is another issue that needs to be addressed that is the root of the problem.

The match making is terrible at allocating teams in the first place.

Make sure that the higher level players are evenly distributed for both teams. Rather than just randomly spreading them out.

This leads to high-level players being stacked on one team quite often. Which isn't fun for anyone. This also leads to frustrations to the losing team, so less player retention is achieved. And before you ask, the high-level players are not in a party since they all join separately.

So in summary, this is a simple thing to fix.

  1. Only team balance after the round (it will almost certainly be near the end of the round anyway when team balance happens)
  2. Switch the players at the bottom of the leaderboard.
  3. Distribute high-level players on both teams evenly as possible when the game starts.
last edited by io543