Since the in-game bug report functionality does not appear to work at the moment, I am instead posting the bug report here. Please let me know in case there's any alternative location I can use to report issues like this and I'll be happy to report this there again.

While in the loadout screen, switching to any sub-menu (e. g. primary weapons, secondary weapons, explosives,...) and then pressing the "Resupply" button causes the scene switch to go awry. It's difficult to explain in detail, so here is an example:

Screenshot showing the background scene on Farmhouse/Range with the player character and loadout shown in the center of the screen, while the UI displayed is the in-game one, with the commander interface shown in the bottom left, the compass, supply points and timer in the bottom center and firemode selector in the bottom right.

Once you're in this situation, any controls that are not connected to movement or looking around still work fine. For example, it is possible to do the following:

  • Shoot – it's possible to hear the shots and the magazine contents decrease
  • Reload, check magazines – magazine UI shows up in the bottom right
  • Cycle fire mode – fire selector shows up in the bottom right (if not enabled permanently) and switches the fire mode correctly
  • Perform call-outs – while not audible, the call-outs show up in the chat
  • Call in fire support
  • Die – this only causes the UI to change, even when respawning or restarting the round afterwards

The only means of getting out of this scene is going into the main menu and returning to the game by clicking on "Resume game".

Please refer to the following link for a short video demonstration of the behavior:

I could reliably reproduce this behavior on Range and Bab in local play, as well as Citadel Night Outpost in online play, but I suspect this is a general issue judging by the observed behavior.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Enter a game (e. g. load into Farmhouse/Range)
  2. Deploy
  3. Go to a resupply area and enter the loadout screen
  4. Open a submenu (e. g. primary weapons)
  5. Click on the "Resupply" button in the bottom left
  6. Notice that the UI changes to the in-game UI, but the scene switches to the loadout background