• starting classes: Balanced and Jack Of All Trades

  • more points when starting out at the beginning.

  • re-implement the features cut that were already in the game when it first came out in 2019.

*More facial features, hair and beards including the Spaniard Curvd Mustache and more Spanish/Spaniard options.

  • 3 or 4 party members instead of 2

*New Game+

  • General Overall Balance of the Game using implemented improvements of the cut content and making use of the game files and also Technomancer

  • Shock Elemental damage spell and weapons


  • Faster Leveling and faster level up

More Frequent attribute and talent points EVERY LEVEL INSTEAD OF EVERY OTHER AND

*More Fluid Combat and more levels to the talent trees

  • Spanish Cup Hilted Swords, Scottish Highland Basket Swords and more Medieval and Spanish Inquisition Weaponry including Bastard Swords and the use of Shields and one handed weapons for Warriors and Armor and More Sikh weapons and outfits and even kukuris. The Bridge Alliance is based on the religious values of the Sikhs and are generally nonviolent and predominantly pacifists and help everyone regardless of religion race, creed sex, etc. This is my second time playing the game and am starting to understand the game more when I first played it back in 2019.

*more Ammunition capacity and a large bullet/ammunition pouchez and pouches and belts for more capacity and items

  • full metal plate armor that actually covers the whole torso and fully covers both arms and other more vulnerable and delicate body parts. The Pre-Order DLC that is now available to everyone, The Adventurer's Gear is fantastic but after a while it gets outleveed and outdated. So The Adventurer's Gear should be leveld Permanently and will scale with you when you Level Up and should also be Temperable and also crafting Slots and should Be of Legendary Quality instead of Common (Green) the Boar Ivory Rifle should be a long barrel and has enough punch and damage to be used at any range.

  • Accessibility Features like Colorblindness, toggle settings for the whole game and menus, features etc even aiming.

  • Enables The Mirror To actually change Facial features, Tattoos, Hair and Beard Styles Etc and more idle animations and idle chatter and things like Let's get going or Time to Hit The Road etc and maybe even some Letters From Serene and His Family, Uncle, Mother Etc.

last edited by Vector Pr8me91