One class that always seems missing to me in Insurgency is that of a medic class, here’s how I see how a medic class can be implemented into Insurgency and what would your thoughts be on a medic class and how they’d work?

Fallen Teammates and Dead Teammates: Fallen teammates are those who have went “down” but their body moves and the hands clasp (something we’ve all noticed some bodies do) and dead teammates are the downed teammates who’s body doesn’t move and gone entirely and cannot be saved.

Abilities/Actions: Can drag fallen teammates by the shoulder or collar/vest, can revive fallen teammates, wounded teammates can be treated. If players respawn based on a timer instead of objective then the medic simply shortens the time needed for someone to respawn.

Restrictions/Limitations: Limited medical supplies to use on teammates, can only revive each teammate once, and cannot revive themselves.

Revived teammates: They are not brought back fully restored and are temporarily slower than healthy teammates and can be fully restored by resupplying at crates (or weapon crates)

Weapons: The medic class would be limited to SMGs and rifles