Closed Technical Alpha Sign-ups Re-opened!

signed up, and ready for combat

I am so looking forward to the new part, have pre-ordered it directly =), and I also registered directly for the Alpha, I hope everything works out.
Do you know more when the second alpha should start?

Thank you, just signed-up ☺ 😘

@netheos Cannot wait 😃 game looks real good so far. Looking forward to the full release !

why it says "You are not a forum member. Please register on the forum "

i signed, can i get key now or?

Ready, accept alpha thank you very much.

@alien1337 Well, first alpha the test send ready when unsolicited or not accepted.

Singed thanks for opportunity

haha! Just signed up! Hope I can get some early feels for this game!

is anyone else having an issue with signing up? in the login to steam. tried signing in putting the steam code in and then it says not the right password(I also had this issue when this posting was made)

Update if u are using google crome the login stuff dont seem to work. but in incognito mode it works fine

last edited by madbird

I just signed up, any chance of still making it in? Would really like to see what you all have been working on.

@netheos Im trying to register for the Alpha and when I check the 2 boxes and try to click Register, all it says is "You are not a forum member. Please register on the forum", even though I have an account. Please Help 🙂