Bad graphics performance

I know the textures issue has been fixed now but even when the texture quality was low the graphics performance was and still is crap! With constant freezes and laggy performance. This problem has been present for some time now! It's not my hardware as I can play other games without any laggy graphics. Example cyberpunk 2077 ultra settings with ray tracing no lag, watchdogs legion ultra settings no lag, GTA v ultra settings no lag. And most importantly snowrunner original version ultra settings no lag!!!! What's going on?

@bushwacker Interesting. Sounds like the PTS is still crap. I'd say check your video settings and make sure the non-saving video settings bug hasn't returned. But like you said, you were already on ultra. Maybe something is still different.

@Unster the problem is it remains the same no matter what settings. Tried 1080, 1440 and it's still the same. Yet the original game with no dlc or updates/changes runs good. I think the Devs have changed something and even they don't know what it is! Otherwise they would have fixed it by now. Bugs I could handle but laggy graphics has killed it for me.

It's not just the PTS. Live version is just as bad but that texture glitch has made me wonder! With low textures the graphics performance should have been 100% but it didn't change at all.

last edited by A Former User

@bushwacker Oh, by original SR I thought you meant the current release version. That one runs fine for me, but you do have to set the graphics settings appropriately for your hardware. I have a high-end computer, but even I can't max out everything. I've especially found that draw distance and grass density have a substantial impact on some maps, like Yukon. I have them set to medium. Anti-aliasing to MSAA 2x. But most everything else I have maxed out.

@Amynue reported a significant drop in performance in one of the recent 13.x PTS versions, with a direct comparison to the live branch, which works fine, so there is currently a performance delta between PTS and live. (Unless that's been fixed in a more recent patch, but none of the notes have mentioned it so far I think)