Custom co-op?

Will there be a way to have private or public co-op with adjustable bot count/difficulty? Adjustable objective timers for more tactical game play?
Co-op players generally have a different mind set than the PVP community and these are suggestions that could go a long way in replay value.

....I would be happy with just private / friends-only sessions but custom options would be nice too.

I definitely would love to see private/custom matches that you can get your friends into. Custom options for higher/lower resistance numbers, removing maps/scenarios from rotation if you only want to do night/day, or don't want a certain map to come up on the voting screen, stuff like that. Would be amazing to see, hell I would even pay to rent a private server like Battlefield does, or Minecraft with their Realms service.

Would LOVE to be able to limit to just myself or friends (as low as 2 players). Having some different "missions" with randomized locations would be great too, and not set as "run and gun" for everything. I'd love to have some stealth in there, having to sneak to an objective, raid it for intel or to kill a high-value target, move to extract, etc. Bots would just be roaming or on watch, unless we're discovered and they have the chance to shout for friends. There is SO much potential here for PvE.