[PTS 24.3] Kirovets switchable difflock


This is a suggestion that I would really really really like to see implemented.

That is, allow the two kirovets to have Switchable diff locks.

Working on a field (doing a lot of back and forth, and with the weight of the farming implement at the back) with Always on diff lock makes it very difficult to make sharp turn.
It is also very difficult to remain straight driving on a road with an articulated truck with always on diff lock.
This problem is especially notable with the K7M and its double wheels (MSH II)
A lot of times, the tractors will drive in the direction that the Back wheels are facing (not the Front) because of the weight of the implement. Turning off the diff-lock helps a lot in those situation.

I have modded their diff lock myself and it it drives MUCH better and it is much more enjoyable to work on fields with that simple modification.

Thank you.


Sharp turn, diff lock OFF
Sans titre.jpg

last edited by DJbarro

i tend to disagree, because real Kirivetc (both) have perma diff lock, and here we have licensed vehicles…
But rl mechanism free the inner wheels during turns…and actually snowrunner diff lock is not really hard lock, there are always gap here and there.
And license rules are broken anyway - real vehicles are FWD with switchable rear axle, they DO have front suspension (leafs in old and pneumatic in k7m), snowrunner is a such mess when it comes to keeping vehicles close to rl models(((

last edited by Stazco