Expeditions, you are welcomed!

Nice to see Snowrunner spin-off, i mean not SR2, but just a spin off for those, who liked scout missions in SR (and old blue UAZ mission (tutorial?) in Mudrunner). Its not me by the way.

So while waiting for Snowrunner 2 we can travel through Grand canyon, great!

My wishes are quite specific, and mostly pointed to SR2, but i will be glad to see it in Expeditions:

  1. individual vehicles mileage (not incab odometer, just a numbers in some menu)

  2. normal axles and suspension collisions, instead of transparent, phasing through rocks and obstacles, we often see in SR (here only one third of vehicles do have realistic collision models). “Flying carpets” is a different game, it is not Expeditions.

  3. Vehicles like Shishiga and Eger (Tuz brothers) do have realistic P/W (irl they are very weak), not current S++++++ (its due big truck engines and light weights).
    Actually Expeditions is a great occasion to introduce Big Scout vehicle class! Its Tuz brothers, Loadstar, F750, small Tatra. So fix their S+++++++ p/w, give them scout trailers, and it will be great SR series improvement and immersion booster.

  4. Realistic transaxle schemes: Shishiga is not perma awd but perma diff lock irl (one of two or three vehicles in SR having perma difflock irl, while SR offer us dozens of such fancy tales). Other vehicles transaxle schemes should also be rechecked, there are so many such small but annoying mistakes.

  5. Niva engine sound! Please rework it, in SR Don sound is the worst thing in game.
    (Niva license - we see, no way unfortunately).
    Scout 800 and CK1500 awful vroooooming was muted a bit, but these iconic scouts deserve normal engine sound routines, just check Mudrunner or SR mods…

  6. Driver fatigue mode, why not to try this option?
    We can hire personnel, lets think about driver (s?) and their sleep conditions.

  7. Realistic or at least Mudrunner style throttle control and torque.

  8. “Realistic Winches” option.
    So active points are only at front (after buying bumper with a winch, electric or PTO) and rear (also only if rear winch is installed). Side points (and all trailers points) are passive, like scout roof points in SR, you can only attach it by other vehicle.

last edited by Stazco

Personally, I have zero interest in a snowrunner game without cargo. I have very little interest in drones and that kind of gameplay, and after all these empty community updates for snowrunner, I have no confidence that they will deliver on ANYTHING post launch, so I don't think I'll be buying expeditions.

I’m excited about this new spinoff. I think that developers focused to the scouting enjoy that many snowrunners love to do. I personally love trucks and cargos but when I’m on a new map is very enjoyable the scouting moment.
So I think is a very good new step! Saber! You have my money.

I am excited about his yet worried at the same time .
excited because I love the apparent emphasis on scouting ( my favorite thing to do on spintires/mudrunner/snowrunner by far ) . I find the cargo missions to be too repetitive at times.
worried as well because of all the issues that plague the current game ( especialy on xbox ) that have been present for months now and are still not being fixed . if that is a sign of things to come for this game as well , it doesn't bode well at all .

last edited by strega13

@strega13 said in Expeditions, you are welcomed!:

I am excited about his yet worried at the same time .
excited because I love the apparent emphasis on scouting ( my favorite thing to do on spintires/mudrunner/snowrunner by far ) . I find the cargo missions to be too repetitive at times.
worried as well because of all the issues that plague the current game ( especialy on xbox ) that have been present for months now and are still not being fixed . if that is a sign of things to come for this game as well , it doesn't bode well at all .

I understand you and I’m sorry about. I’m playing on Nintendo Switch and apparently there are any bugs on snowrunner. Only time ago I got a bug about long time saving but solved with a patch after some days.
I hope for Xbox too

I actually would like to see the vehicle mileage in-cab and in the menu's to be honest to make it more realistic.