PTS Update 02/10/2020 (Patch 10)

SNR terrian.JPG SNR terrian_2.JPG

Trucks are sinking through the map in this section

@Jellyfoosh said in PTS Update 02/10/2020 (Patch 10):

Added an option to limit FPS in-game (30/60/unlimited)

PLEASE leave this option in the consoles versions.

If nothing is done to support PS5/SeriesX at least we can unlock the fps and get better performance in backwards compatibility mode.

I was exploring the map, almost all explored, when during autosave, windows blue screen, lost all save, CompleteSave.dat file is practically empty .....
😭 😭 😭

Yay, FFB on the G920 working again! Thanks team, great job. Can't wait for you to get it on the production server!

But, the G25 not detected anymore 😞

@Roby1164 You can use backup slot on save dir, just restore save from backup.

OLD Problems are back:
Auto Centering is now very weak.
FB for the G920 is actually working but not correctly, wheels will stay turned, steering wheel stays on full lock.
At launch no response from controls.
TAB out of game IS CRASHING AGAIN ~ ye had this fixed.
Tabbing out of game make wheel zoom back to center position with deadly force ~ ye had that fixed already as well.

My first game had loads of contracts, two truck n a loaf, but had gone back to no money or EP. This morning I see I have loads of money my three vehicle are gone and their assets too.

Does the steel mill run out of Steel Beams ? I now seem to have just one Steel Beam.

@throwbuckley said in PTS Update 02/10/2020 (Patch 10):

@vashts1985 never - the sideboard bed on the back is built-in

yes, that should be changed.

alt text

Function with the telehandler: It should be able to drive in all modes, move and simultaneously, raise, lower boom etc.

We had the same problem in MudRunner with loaders which made them unusable.

@esorokin said in PTS Update 02/10/2020 (Patch 10):

@ReApEr2B there are even more changes like that, but those are pickable upgrades on a new maps and we usually do not list those in patch notes since it's a part of game exploration

I don't understand the reasoning behind not including those changes in the patch notes. I can see having them as upgrades that we have to search for, but to not tell us they are there in the first place TO go searching for is a bit odd.

I mean, you guys added mud tires for the ANK as well, but they're not an explorable upgrade, they are just there now. I literally had to go look in the live game files to check because I couldn't actually remember if they had always been there and I just missed them or not. What other trucks got new tires? I don't know because I don't want to go back and forth checking each truck try to decipher what exactly is new and what isn't.

Here is the issue I see with this practice. If there are trucks that I don't particularly like for one reason or another, I don't own them. Im sure most players have the same mentality minus those who just want to own all the trucks for the sake of owning them. Now, if you guys add new parts to a truck we don't own without telling us, we have no clue they are there until someone in the community says "Hey Look what they added!" I would never know the parts are there because I dont own the truck.

Not saying anything to the community doesn't help make it more exciting. It's not anymore of a suprise. I mean the result it literally the same, someone is coming onto the forums and saying these parts are here, so why keep them "hidden"? Why not be up front and open and say "Here are the new parts we added to these trucks, go try them out and see how much better these trucks are." I now have to literally go through each truck and check to see what, if anything, is new. It's not "game exploration" at that point, it's just simply annoying.

I know I am the loudest voice here when it comes to patch notes, and I will say patch 10's notes were by far much improved, but when you go as far as to tell us you are purposefully leaving things out of the patch notes for the sake of "exploration", that's just ridiculous. Again, having to explore the map to find locked upgrades is perfectly fine, but not telling us about the new upgrades just doesn't make any sense, especially when they aren't locked.

@Glitchworks said in PTS Update 02/10/2020 (Patch 10):

Not saying anything to the community doesn't help make it more exciting. It's not anymore of a suprise. I mean the result it literally the same, someone is coming onto the forums and saying these parts are here, so why keep them "hidden"? Why not be up front and open and say "Here are the new parts we added to these trucks, go try them out and see how much better these trucks are." I now have to literally go through each truck and check to see what, if anything, is new. It's not "game exploration" at that point, it's just simply annoying.

Agree 100%. Especially when it relates to truck upgrades that are not on the map in the form of discoverable content.

Please fix the engine sound on that 1700 . it sounds like a model a.

We already have more than enough tractors that are able to pull trailers in the game. Leave some space for unique vehicles. There is no need for every truck to be capable of everything.

Please do in-game multiplayer chat, it would greatly enhance the multiplayer gaming experience.

@Adrian-Bradd Pretty sure they would’ve said “Mods On Console” In the patch notes If that was going to happen. So just the Mod browser for now I’m guessing.

@esorokin Will there be Active Suspension & Tuned Suspension for other vehicles as well besides the KOLOB 74760 & ANK MK38?

@StealthID And hopefully they add a 120FPS option since PS5 will support 120FPS.