Anyone dared to ask? Converting ST maps?

will i be able to convert my map where i still have the .xml to work in mudrunner?
unfortunately i lost the .xml of my 1st map, but i dont think we will be able to convert with just the .dds and .stg?

also any word on the map editor? will it work properly like the ST editor with the "old" .exe? not the new one where everything is invisible when you zoom out, which was a horrible change.

anyone has any information about this? is there any official word on this?

last edited by Actionjackson

yep just read the FAQ there is a mod converter being released when the game does.

hm i read that FAQ too, but it is not clear;

for me this are 2 separate things, or so i thought.

  • mod converter is for truck mods
  • map editor to make maps

but nowhere does it say i can convert maps too with the mod editor, i though its just for the trucks.
when i think about it quickly i see 3 options

  1. mod converter can convert maps and all is good.
  2. i can convert maps by loading the xml in the "new" map editor and saving it.
  3. i can not convert maps

i hope there is some official news about this soon cause i am puzzled 😃

yeah a few things they have said have been a bit confusing and basic. still these things were there for the original version, can only hope they brought it all over and maybe even fixed a few things. like the original map converter. it worked, but it also was a bit flawed. some maps did not seem to convert properly.

I think, converting maps won't be simple "fire and forget" 😉
Standard asetts have changed and some textures. Don't know, if the converter can replace these things automatically!
I guess, you can load your old .xml into the editor, do the needed changes and save it as new version.
And BTW, there's a little tool, that can re-engeneer an existing .stg back to it's .xml and .dds maps.
But unfortunately not all information can be restored, like overlays, water and distributions. But it would be a good base for a planned rework 😉

last edited by Schlammspringer

hey schlammi;

  1. you seem to have deleted me from your steam friend list... again 😃 is it cause i was offline for a few weeks again?
    i think you overdo it with the friend list clean ups 😉

  2. that is decent news, hope is not lost for my 1st map as i can get some info back from the .stg. and the other one i will just load the xml in the new editor and see how it is, and what is there and what not and if there are errors or something.

I'm pretty sure that we'll be able to slap in an xml from the old game and it load right in with no problems. Nothing really has changed to my understanding.

@roughrider that is what i was thinking too, but if so then why have a mod converter? we got a converter for the last version, but it was not perfect and some maps would crash after converting. this is the only real worry i have about the new converter.

@actionjackson said in Anyone dared to ask? Converting ST maps?:

hey schlammi;

  1. you seem to have deleted me from your steam friend list... again 😃 is it cause i was offline for a few weeks again?
    i think you overdo it with the friend list clean ups 😉

  2. that is decent news, hope is not lost for my 1st map as i can get some info back from the .stg. and the other one i will just load the xml in the new editor and see how it is, and what is there and what not and if there are errors or something.

Oh i did it really.........again?
But you're not the only fellow, going this way! lol
My problem is, that i get many requests due to my old 291215 editor (without zoom "bug") and friend list is getting longer and longer............until it doesn't fit at one page anymore.......time for the scythe 😉
But i promise to hold you alive in my map modder group for the future 🙂

And i feel with you, loosing some prebuild. Happened to me too with my two very first maps, made for legacy long time ago. But with the help of the LevelTools i was able to re-activate ProjectOne for the actual SpinTires version. So things are looking good for you..... 🙂

To my understanding, the converter is not for maps only to convert trucks. Thats what pavel said. @8up-local @Schlammspringer

There are youtube videos of people playing Blackwater canyon map with blockpost .?

@roughrider that would be nice if there is no need to convert maps and only the vehicles.

my first lazy try saw me loading the xml in the editor by useing the "import spintires 2016" thingy, and i got so many errors, i had to turn off the editor in the process as i got stuck with an endless loop of a specific error 😃
that didnt work out as planed.

Jup! But with the patience clicking hundreds of times on "OK", i finally got one map (without custom objects) to work within the editor. If the result actually works in MudRunner, i don't know, because i had refunded the game meanwhile 😉

hm, i did not get mine to load yet, i manually renamed the fuel_station to fuel_tank and vagon and vagon_open to vagon_a, that removed some errors with this objects.
now i have errors about the distributions or textures, it references to some spintires dx9 file or so. i am not sure how to change that yet. i can klick these away, after that when it builds lightmap, i get a error that is looping, mean when i klick it away it comes back, its a series of errors 😃

good work on getting yours to load.

Pointed the editor to and imported my log seeker map. Definitely had its groanings.

All the distr .dds files did not convert and were ignored. Or did I miss something.
Copied all the dstr .dds files to my converted Mudrunner level and rebuilt.
I then remamed all the .dds to .tga and did a rebuild.
I have a feeling I may have to repaint most of my distributions. Ideas?
Some are there but others appear painted on the terrain when I use the brush, they just dont spawn visually when rebuilding.

Obviously everytime I touched something the editor groaned about missing file this and that etc. Was to be expected.
Notepad++ helped there. Renaming things like house to house_a or b. The vagon to vagon_a or b.
Lots of changes I had to edit. Fun, keeps my mind active.
Loads perfectly now and without doing it in the editor. The new models replaced with notepad.

Love the zoom.
Forming terrain by hand is much easier.
Havent had time to add mud yet. 😅

last edited by Leenuks

hm i have deleted so much stuff from the map i got rid of all errors more or less but the one that repeats itself all the time and i have to force shut down the editor with task manager as i can not get past that error.

anyone has a idea what that could mean?


I’m not totally sure but I’m afraid the MR editor mixes something up with the ST editor. I noticed some files in the appdata folder of the ST editor that were changed with the date of installation of the MR editor. I will look into this later today …

Afar from that the editor does not work properly. In terraform mode sculpted heights disappear while painting and painting mud is a just a buggy mess! Also there are only settings for »auto« and »extrudes« … really?

hey dex, watch out, the ST editor and the MR editor use the same "path" so if you set the path in MR editor to /Spintires Mudrunner you will have the same path in the ST editor now.

you must change path by hand every time you switch from ST to MR editor and subsequently install media after you set the new path too i think.
seem there is quit a bit shared, which is quiet messy.